It's now been 9 months without The Vampire Diaries and I've never been more miserable in my life. All the great shows IN HISTORY has/are ending. The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and Pretty Little Liars are all done and those were my top 3 favorites. I started Once Upon A Time and I've got to tell you, that show is really good and I'm very amazed of how it's all a messed up version of fairy tales and its quite interesting how the story writers and directors etc managed to connect all the story lines with each other! Once Upon A Time introduced so many Disney and fairy tale characters that I never even knew about. It's a very creative show I mean who could of known there was a way for Peter Pan to be Rumpelstiltskin's FATHER!? But now that I'm all caught up, I have to wait like every week for one episode to come out and I'm a very impatient person. Anyways, the tv channel networks are becoming boring and some shows are just dragging on. I still need to catch up on Supernatural on season 9, Jane The Virgin, and I'm waiting on The 100 to return next year and for Scream! OMG that reminds me, I heard that Scream is coming back... but not with its main cast from the beginning! I don't know how that's going to go along but we'll have to see how it all turns out.
I always wanted to become an author since middle school but my careers choices keep changing. At first I wanted to be an author, then a teacher, then a marine biologist, onto a veterinarian and now even a psychologist but now that I realize all these great shows are coming to ends meet, I feel like maybe I should be a show writer of some sort? Maybe even be a director, create my own twisted supernatural-fairytale show with ideas from all the shows I've watched, and that's a lot. I have 2 books, one based on a fan-fiction of The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and The Originals featured on wattpad but I haven't been able to finish them even though I have been writing and planning them out for about 2 years. I want to be famous for something inspiring and I believe there's even a 15.3% chance that could even happen. The Vampire Diaries will forever be an inspiration to me, it's the reason why I created this blog even though I know people probably don't even read this, I write these posts for my amusement and pleasure. I've been obsessing over it since I was literally in grade 5 (I know such a young age to be watching it but whatever) and I'm a diehard fan, if only I lived in the US where all the comic-cons are held, I could have been able to go and watch the cast interviews and see Paul Wesley's' smile up close and be in the same room as all of them, I probably would have a heart attack. It's kinda weird how most American shows are shot in Canada but yet Canadian channels don't have the access to watch these shows or you have to pay a higher price like what the hell, it's not fair.
Anyways, enough rambling for today, hopefully, maybe, the executive producers of TVD and PLL and TW and even Supernatural could join forces and make a new hit series for everyone to throb over (least likely to even happen but everyone should have something to hope for)!
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