Saturday 9 December 2017

What is life?

  It's now been 9 months without The Vampire Diaries and I've never been more miserable in my life. All the great shows IN HISTORY has/are ending.  The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and Pretty Little Liars are all done and those were my top 3 favorites.  I started Once Upon A Time and I've got to tell you, that show is really good and I'm very amazed of how it's all a messed up version of fairy tales and its quite interesting how the story writers and directors etc managed to connect all the story lines with each other!  Once Upon A Time introduced so many Disney and fairy tale characters that I never even knew about.  It's a very creative show I mean who could of known there was a way for Peter Pan to be Rumpelstiltskin's FATHER!?  But now that I'm all caught up, I have to wait like every week for one episode to come out and I'm a very impatient person.  Anyways, the tv channel networks are becoming boring and some shows are just dragging on. I still need to catch up on Supernatural on season 9, Jane The Virgin, and I'm waiting on The 100 to return next year and for Scream! OMG that reminds me, I heard that Scream is coming back... but not with its main cast from the beginning!  I don't know how that's going to go along but we'll have to see how it all turns out.
  I always wanted to become an author since middle school but my careers choices keep changing.  At first I wanted to be an author, then a teacher, then a marine biologist, onto a veterinarian and now even a psychologist but now that I realize all these great shows are coming to ends meet, I feel like maybe I should be a show writer of some sort?  Maybe even be a director, create my own twisted supernatural-fairytale show with ideas from all the shows I've watched, and that's a lot.  I have 2 books, one based on a fan-fiction of The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and The Originals featured on wattpad but I haven't been able to finish them even though I have been writing and planning them out for about 2 years.  I want to be famous for something inspiring and I believe there's even a 15.3% chance that could even happen.  The Vampire Diaries will forever be an inspiration to me, it's the reason why I created this blog even though I know people probably don't even read this, I write these posts for my amusement and  pleasure.  I've been obsessing over it since I was literally in grade 5 (I know such a young age to be watching it but whatever) and I'm a diehard fan, if only I lived in the US where all the comic-cons are held, I could have been able to go and watch the cast interviews and see Paul Wesley's' smile up close and be in the same room as all of them, I probably would have a heart attack.  It's kinda weird how most American shows are shot in Canada but yet Canadian channels don't have the access to watch these shows or you have to pay a higher price like what the hell, it's not fair.
   Anyways, enough rambling for today, hopefully, maybe, the executive producers of TVD and PLL and TW and even Supernatural could join forces and make a new hit series for everyone to throb over (least likely to even happen but everyone should have something to hope for)!  

Wednesday 16 August 2017

it's been 5 months ....

Damn 5 months is already going by ever since The Vampire Diaries has closed its book.  I've managed to accept that it's over but I'll never stop watching and reading the books. In the mean time, I've tried to move on but in my opinion there's no show that can beat the love that I have for TVD and it's the best show  ever (impov).  I've  started watching The Fosters and continuing other shows  that's I've been watching such as Jane The Virgin, Shadowhunters, The 100, The Originals, Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf.  Sadly, 3 of the best shows have practically ended! TVD, PLL.. Well besides Teen Wolf their on their final season of the series. These 3 shows were  absolutely my favourite but they've all been coming to an end.  I finished up PLL and wow that last episode had a lot of stuff to take in and figure out but I enjoyed it :) there's also this new show called Riverdale and so far it's alright. I still aspire to somehow and to someday meet one of the cast of TVD!! I hope that the TVD fandom isn't dying and will live on. Everyone of the actors have been busy I mean Paul has been going more into directing, he had directed an episode of Shadowhunters.  And I'd like to say publicly CONGRATS TO IAN SOMERHALDER AND NIKKI REED & WISHING THEM ALL THE BEST WITH THEIR NEWBRON CHILD BOHDI SOLEIL (I think that's her name) I hope that the whole cast of TVD has a reunion furthermore in the future.  

Saturday 11 March 2017

The Vampire Diaries Finale • 8x16 (SPOILER ALERT)

Oh my god!!! I can't believe Stefan died!! He sacrificed himself for everyone, mostly for his big brother. Stefan injected Damon with the cure!!  I have to say the ending was great but.. I just can't believe they killed off one of my FAVORITE characters since the beginning. I do believe Stefan and Caroline both deserved a chance to live more than a day past their wedding day, but Stefan died on the night of their wedding night!! But atleast Caroline called Stefan to tell him she .. Understands.  I was crying my eyes out so much!! I just ran into my room and let it out!! And the ending was just amazing, Stefan found peace with Lexi!! Caroline opened up a school named after the Salvatore's, Bonnie went on travelling the world as she promised Enzo to love her life, Matt got his own bench honoring him with his duty of the Mystic Falls Town!! ELENA even went to med school and came back to Mystic Falls to grow old with Damon. And we got to see Jo, Liz Forbes, Vikki, and Tyler!! ANDDDDD!!!!! CAROLINE RECIEVED A LETTER FROM KLAUS AND HE GAVE HER A LOAD OF MONEY CONTRIBUTING TO HER SCHOOL SHE OPENED UP FOR GIFTED KIDS AND ALARIC WAS LIEK "AND THATS THE BEGINING OF ANOTHER STORY!!!!!" Which mean Caroline's might go off to the originals which is something I actually needs to Catch up on real quick! 

They fast forwarded to Damon and Elena's DEATH and they all found peace, ELENA met back with her parents (the ones that had the accident driving off into the bridge) and Jenna, AND EVEN JOHN GILBERT!! Then Stefan is in the Salvatore house and he opens the door to see Damon and he's said "Damon." Smiling and it look like he had tears in his eyes and Damon replied with "hello brother" giving off that little smerk and then they hugged and everything went with a blue and it all finished off with the last ever TVD logo and in white. Since Caroline is like the only vampire left of that show she's basically the only one alive if they fast forwarded to Damon and Elena's death everyone's human besides her! I'm still holding on to the fact she goes onto the originals!!  But I also feel bad cause she's going to loose all her friends but that's if she just doesn't die her self by getting stakes in the heart. THE SONG that played "hold on" for the series finale was just beautiful I'm honestly just in live with it but it makes me cry so much!! 


Thursday 9 March 2017

The last day before it all ends

Yes, the end has reached. After 8 years of The Vampire Diaries, it comes down to one final episode tomorrow. There is no words to explain how the ending of the show is going to impact me. I have been obsessing over this show over the past 4 years and a half and it sure has been a hell of a ride.  This show has became apart of me, taught me so many lessons to look up to in my life, it brought me such great excitement, joy, sadness and grief.  I remember when I first started watching The Vampire Diaries, the first time I saw it I took it off after 5 minutes because I actually got super scared, but then one day I decided to play it again, and I fell in love with it the moment the first episode had finished. I latched onto the show and it has played a huge roll in my life. I created this blog just to express, I don't care if people don't notice my blog, it's not what it's for (let's kinda just say I hope one of the cast of TVD finds this blog and actually takes their time to read it).

For sure I'm going to be in a bad mood tmr at school and at home- practically forever. But I'm literally turning off my humanity, and in honor of TVD I'm going to go through the last part of my pain with getting a cartilage ear piercing- with a needle and that's gonna hurt like hell. I know it's not such a big thing but atleast it's something I'm actually going to look forward to after... TVD ends. I'll most likely still post after the show has ended, I don't think I'll ever except the fact that it's over. But I'm really excited to see the last episode to see how it all ends, thank god I have company to watch it with me so I can cry my ass off.  After that, I'll never be the same again. Let's just hope we get an ending that is very satisfying. WE ALL KNOW THAT A MAIN CHARACTER WILL DIE WHICH WILL DEFINITIVELY RUIN THINGS!!!!!!!!! But we'll see how it all goes down, tomorrow night.

Friday 24 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries - 8x12

Ahh this episode was great!  BONNIE'S MOTHER SHOWED UP AT BONNIE'S DOORSTEP I WAS LITERALLY SCREAMING!! Bonnie broke the news to Damon- that Enzo was dead and Stefan had killed him. Bonnie kept hearing Enzo's voice and can feel his presence so Bonnie's mom helped her to see if there was a sign if Enzo could really be there - even knowing the fact that the other side was destroyed. Once they called out for him, Bonnie's mom saw Enzo's death and let out a scream.  She said that she felt where ENZO was- dark, cold and a place of suffering. Turns out Bonnie opened to gates from hell when she let out her big sound wave scream after Enzo died. With this darkness, it was killing Bonnie, so her mom burned Enzo's body- obviously Bonnie wasn't okay with it but her mom said she didn't want to lose her because if they haven't have burned his body she would have died.
    Poor Stefan has to carry on the guilt of everything he'd done to innocent people, he even got arrested  and helped retrieve a little girl's mom he thought he killed (the woman he compelled to be the new owner of Bonnie's house where Elena was held) with Caroline, the woman survived  and obviously when the woman saw him she stabbed him. Caroline couldn't help Stefan with her vampire blood because the cure that's flowing in his veins won't allow it to go in his body so she had to take him to hospital along with the woman he almost killed- in which Caroline had to compel.
    Mean while, Cade made a deal with Damon, he was going to kill Stefan by midnight if Damon didn't hadn't hand him the Maxwell's journal which contained the guide of killing the devil. Matt started having weird visions of what the Siren's did to a fellow Maxwell member, and with that whole vision stuff, he figured out that the way to kill Cade was inside that very book, and they knew Damon wanted it to save his brother.  BUT TO SPEED THINGS UP BECAUSE I BET YOU GUYS ALREADY KNOW THE REST..........................

KAIIII ISSS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Wednesday 8 February 2017

The Vampire Diaries "IT'S A WRAP!" CAKE :(

Today was officially the last day of shooting scenes for The Vampire Diaries!! YES it's actually over
:(((!!  God how I wish emojis were actually visible on this so I'd be able to  express my sadness and grieving self. Wow, this is it, this is the end.  I would just like to say "Thank you for the best 8 years in all of history, thank you for teaching me about love, purity, loyalty, happiness, being there for others, learning how to fight through my darkest times, and most importantly... learning how to forgive."  This show has made a huge impact in my life, it changed me. I've cried, laughed and enjoyed all through out each and every single episode.  There was a variety of inspiring quotes said by every character featured in TVD, I don't know what I am going to do after TVD ends, I know for sure I'm going to be hella depressed for at least a century, I'm definitely not going to be the same. Atleast I'll have a great souvenir with me at ALL times- Elena's vervain necklace which I got for Christmas (thanks to my uncle!) My dream was always to meet the cast of TVD- ya that didn't happen at all ,sadly, but hopefully one day.. I will :)    But enough gabbering, here's a beautiful picture of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES "THAT'S A WRAP" cake!!!!!!! IT  LOOKS  SUPER   DELICIOUS AND EVERYTIME I  SCROLL  THROUGH   MY  INSTAGRAM  FEED ALL I SEE IS PICS OF THIS  WONDERFUL  CAKE  ALONG  WITH  SAD STUFF  ABOUT  TVD! ANYWAYS ENJOY THIS  PRETTY  PIC  DOWN  BELOW:  

Sunday 5 February 2017

Theories for The Vampire Diaries

ok read this and reel it in: 
1. Tyler was on TVD since day 1- the very first episode and has played a HUGE part through out the show- even on The Originals. But when he died, Julie Plec said that he wasn't the major death.. then we have Enzo who just died and is claimed and "the" major death of the final season. But Enzo only came in to the show about like a year and a half ago.. so what makes Enzo the major death if Tyler wasn't????? So it's probably out of the three; Stefan, Damon or Elena. 
   Since Stefan is now human, I think that it might be Stefan who is the major death of the season finale of TVD, I don't know it's just a feeling. 

2.  Michael Malarkey said that this isn't the last we are going to see Enzo, we'll be able to see him once again, before the series end.  So I'm pretty sure everyone saw that huge sound wave Bonnie let out screaming, now people are saying she got her powers back and she's trying to resurrect Enzo- maybe this is where Kai is brought back in because I know Chris Wood was on set for season 8 so we might just see our sexy sociopath once again- hopefully not causing trouble and just help for once. He might as well just  help kill the devil

3. What if all of them takes the cure? I know there will be a STEROLINE wedding- there must be one! But how could Stefan and Caroline get married if.. Stefan is now human and is slowly aging- with time catching up for the amount of years he's been breathing since the 1800's and Caroline is a vampire.  So what if Caroline takes the cure and becomes human to be with Stefan. AND WHAT ABOUT DAMON! Elena is human- so if Damon is a vampire and is going to live 4ever but Elena isn't, and obviously we know Damon can't live without HER, he might as well turn human just to be with Elena. I don't know tho.

4. Let's just hope for the best and that each of the characters get a happy ending :)