Sunday 30 November 2014

My Opinion on TTT

Honestly, I think I might have to do this and say this but uh hum here it goes:

If you don''t like The Vampire Diaries, Or Teen Wolf or The Originals or either one of them, then that's fine but if you do then I don't understand why do people have to keep coming up and saying "oh my god The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and The Originals are so stupid I hate it!"  Like OMG have you even seen the shows yet?  Like if you don't like something keep it to your self like you don't have to make other people feel uncomfortable about you saying these things about something that you love or like!  Like geez what's some of your peoples problems like if you don't like all these shows then get off of my blog!  If you like or watch only 1 one the shows, or 2 of the shows or all of the shows then your welcome to keep reading!  I honestly think that you shouldn't be saying bad things about things or others cause I HAVE HAD IT WITH SOME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!  SUPERNATURAL CREATURES ARE MY FAMILY AND I LOVE THEM OK SO DON'T JUDGE AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT THEN DEAL WITH IT AND BE QUIET LIKE OMG I FEEL LIKE SWEARING BUT OK I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE SOME OF THESE KIND OF SHOWS FOR EXAMPLE I WATCH A LOT OF SHOWS AND I AM A TV PERSON A ND COMPUTER PERSON!  I WATCH:

AND SO ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok fine it's ok if you don't like neither of the shows I'm calm don't worry about it lol i just wanted to get things straight ok no hard feelings ok later!

Saturday 29 November 2014

What would you rather be?

Question: What would you rather be?

a) Vampire
b) Werewolf
c) Witch
d) Hybrid
c) Traveler

Answer: OK honestly I have trouble answering these questions a lot but to be honest I would rather be a Hybrid!  A Hybrid is hella way better and you know why?  It a combination of 2 things which are a Vampire and Werewolf!  They are strong, fast, awesome and so many other things and plus its very hard to kill them!  Thank god there wants another option of being an Originals because then I would have trouble  deciding between being a Hybrid or an Original!  I would love to be a Hybrid cause of course I love to be  Vampire and at the same time a Hybrid and since The Vampire Diaries and The Originals already have Hybrids in them ( thank the lord ), if I was the creator or director of the show, I would change it up a bit because you know how in each season they have different problems they have to figure out so I was thinking they should really add vampires for Season 5!!!  It would be honestly really awesome!  Some good Vampires and some bad Vampires!  It would be fantastic!  Vampires AND Werewolves have the same kind of power to me they are the same!  So they should also make some Hybrids in it too!  Hybrids are big and bad, they have awesome powers well SUPERNATURAL POWERS THAT ARE SO AWESOME!  So that's why I rather be like basically a Hybrid lol!
                                                                           - M OR MARS

Friday 28 November 2014

My emotional Parts In The 3 TTT's

So to start off with The Vampire Diaries, my emotional part in The Vampire Diaries was in Season 5 Episode 21, where Tyler well actually it was Julian the traveler in Tyler's body who RIPPED STEFAN'S HEART OUT RIGHT IN FRONT OF CAROLINE JUST LIKE THAT AND YES I'M TYPING IN CAPS BECAUSE I WAS SO MAD!  You all know that I love Stefan but why I mostly felt bad was because Caroline loved him and he died right in her face and she saw Julian ripping his heart out!  And I dont blame Caroline at all for not helping before he died and that's because she attacked Julian to snap his neck and he put on his Hybrid face and Stefan came in to kill him and it was toooo and soooo fast he just takes his hands and snap!  He places Stefan's beautiful heart well he actually dropped it on the concrete floor in the middle of the street and then you see Caroline running up to him saying "oh my god " about 1000 times and also screaming and crying out "somebody help me please" like honestly so sad and here is on thing I found unbelievable!  When Caroline was sitting on the couch in the next episode 22, she was crying like hell and guess what!  When Elena and Damon came rushing in and Elena saw Stefan dead there lying down on the couch this is all you hear from Elena's mouth "oh my god Stefan" like seriously that all you say like no tears no heart break?  I mean comparing to Caroline, Caroline is the best friend to Stefan and she is crying like the world is going to end while Elena juts bends down on her knees and says "OMG Stefan" like that's all you words!  That was a shocker lol!  So when Stefan died I cried so hard and ask even ask my friends they saw me crying lol it was a heart breaker to me!

Ok now with Teen Wolf, now this was thee most hurtful scene I have ever seen and do you know what that is?  Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24.  OMG like Alison Argent died!  It was honestly so sad I felt like the show was going to be over cause you know she is bad in a good way and  I love her!  But it was Crystal Reed's mind she wanted to leave the show and Alison Argent is Crystal Reed btw.  She finally killed one of those stupid ghost or shadow thingy's or whatever their called and all you know one of them comes up behind her and BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She drops her Bow and Arrow cross bow or whatever its called and blood splats in the air, Scott comes rushing down to her screaming her name out and then what was so emotional was when he took her in his arms and held her head and said their last words and she said "Scott you were my first love and always will be, I love you"  and that was so emotional you know and then Chris Argent walks in as he is like ......... like he lost his sister, his wife and now his daughter like are you kidding me like GEEZUS!

And now for The Originals.  Ok I know everyone had to cry at this part!  Itt was tooo emotional ok so don't judge please people! Ok so in the recap of The Originals Klaus gave Hope in the care of his younger sister Rebekah's hands to keep her safe!  It was a beautiful Brother and Sister moment well fham!  I was crying in full of tears while Klaus was saying his beautful goodbyes to his beautiful daughter!!  I can write all day about this ok lol!  It was a good moment!  I mean he had to give Hope in Rebekah's hands because she was no longer safe in New Orleans right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I MEAN IT WAS SO SAD I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY SOMEONE WOULD WANT TO KILL A CUTE BABY LIKE OMG WHATS THESE PEOPLES PROBLEM DO THEY WANT SOME BEATINGS (LIX) LOL DKM!  
                                                                                - M OR MARS

Thursday 27 November 2014

Favorite characters in TTT

Lets first start off with The Vampire Diaries.  My favorite characters are Caroline and Stefan!  They are awesome!  They are such good characters, responsible, caring, and kind.  They show heart all the time.  They both are very strong and they are very serious well that's mostly Caroline lol!  Stefan is cute I love him!   He is MINE forever and just saying I love STEROLINE!  I think STEROLINE should happen now and I mean NOW!  Caroline is the best and when I say the best she is the best!  She never even turned off her humanity!  Whatever bad things happen to her, she goes along with it and deals with it!   Well I mean Elena have been through worse but she could have never handle it like how Caroline would!  Stefan on the other hand is the Kind Salvatore brother.  He is loving and caring towards the people he loves and cares about but not only them but for others too.  He may have had his times where he got crazy and stuff but Stefan is a great guy and I don't understand how Elena would let someone like him go!  I did love STELENA but then I did start to see me likes in DELENA and I don't really like STELENA anymore cause like STEROLINE IS IN THE ZONE!  So them 2 are my 2 favorite characters in TVD!

 Now we can start with Teen Wolf.  My favorite characters in Teen Wolf are Lydia and Scott!  I love them both.  They are both awesome and they just have the most best roles in the show to me!  First of all Lydia gets to be a Banshee first of all!  She is like a life saver to me, she can know when a person is about to die or when someone dies!  That would be cool and you get to be in the "Secret Mission" all the time and she is also a very mature, responsible girl who is also very trustworthy and now to me she is becoming like a supernatural warrior!  Scott is the best!  I love him!  He is sweet and charming, he is very smart and well obviously responsible.  What I mostly like about him is that he feels for others, he cares for everyone trying to keep them safe!  He is full with love!  He takes action, he fights back, he never gives up, he has his own pack that works all together, Scott may not know what he may being doing sometimes  but I sure know one thing he knows what he is doing right, he knows that when to do it all right.  If you don't get it then OK. (lolp)

Now for The Originals. Wow to be honest my favorite characters in the show are Klaus and Haley!
Klaus is a true warrior, He is bad new well actually he is bad azz!  I love him well even though all the things he did we horrible and bad, we all know that at the end of the day he has a heart!  Hope is what he named his new born baby daughter which is too cute I swear I cried when he handed Hope in the care of Rebekah's hands!  Klaus is awesome, he knows what he is doing but watch out you should never mess with a Hybrid Original when there angry or actually just don't mess with them at all! Haley OMG!  She is more bad AZZ I'm telling you this girl flings her feet everywhere kicking people just like how she kicked some people in the show in the faces!  She can really fight and that's because she is confident, strong and powerful, she doesn't care about anything except for the safety of her loved ones!
                    So those are my favorite characters in each show!
                                                                                 - M OR Mars

Introduction #1

Hey!  I'm Mariam Hamid and as you know I love the shows "The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, and The Originals!"  Well I like to put it in a short form and I call them the 3 TTT's!  The reason I call them that is because they all start with T's!  I know right I'm creative.  Anyways back to the point, in my beautiful and NEW improved blog I will be comparing these 3 shows to each other and writing about them as in everything that happens and each episode!  Trust me I have my whole life to watch these these 3 shows at once! LOLP!  So I will keep updating my Blogs!  So keep in touch to see the exciting things I got!
                                                                                                      -M OR Mars